
The "Great" P.T.

Name: Penny Thomas Nelson
Age: 19 (currently)
Height: 5'6
Gender: Female
Butt-Buddy: Fat Guy
Fights Initiated: Countless
Fights Won: Less-so


With no mother to speak of and a father MIA, Penny spent her early childhood nurtured by her grandfather, and the rest bouncing between foster homes from Kentucky all the way to Iowa. Even when she got wind of a school that welcomed in “gifted” students, it took a lot of work to talk her way into ERA… mostly having to explain that she can secrete copper from blood into coins out from her palm, and that “it’s not just a coin trick.”

In spite of her struggles, Penny is stubborn, never one to let up if it means getting what she wants, even if she has to fight in whichever way to achieve her goals. Spending her years getting into fights and indulging in Pro Wrestling made the girl passionate in theatrical arts and showmanship, displayed by her charismatic tendency to draw small crowds and organize underground tussle matches–she even has a semi-official ERA fight club.

The “Great P.T.” has always been an endearing ball of energetic confidence with every intent of spreading that delightful free spirit among her peers; When she’s got a goal, she sure sets herself to it. Whether or not her ambitions leave her crossing the line and putting her dreams before her morals and passion before compassion is another story…